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Our Services

Free talking therapies

We can currently offer the following therapeutic support free of charge:

One to one talking therapies for adults (18+)

As part of our wellbeing service funded by Doncaster Council, we offer a talking therapies service for adults which is delivered both by ourselves (from our offices in Market Place) and by Changing Lives (from their office in Princes Street). This service is delivered by students on placement with us who are training for a career in talking therapy, and by qualified volunteers and are supported and supervised by qualified therapists.

When you enquire about this service, you will be offered a triage call and assessment ahead of your 8 week therapy programme beginning. Sessions will be held usually on the same day at the same time, and you will meet the same therapist which helps you to develop trust and a great working relationship.

To enquire about this service, please use the referral form on our talking therapies page.

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