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10th September 2024, 10:00 - 2:00 at Doncaster Gallery and Museum

World Suicide Prevention Day

The triennial theme for World Suicide Prevention Day for 2024-2026 is "Changing the Narrative on Suicide" with the call to action "Start the Conversation". This theme aims to raise awareness about the importance of reducing stigma and encouraging open conversations to prevent suicides.

Suicide is a major challenge, with more than 700 000 deaths each year globally. Each suicide has far-reaching social, emotional, and economic consequences, and deeply affects individuals and communities worldwide.

This World Suicide Prevention Day we want to encourage you to come and talk to us about what services are available to you and what support we can offer to help you with the challenges your facing just now. 

We believe that every conversation, no matter how small, contributes to a supportive and understanding society and to more people accessing help before they feel that suicide is the only option left available to them. 

We believe that no one should have to face a mental health difficulty alone.  Whether you are stressed, anxious, depressed or in a crisis, we’re here to listen and offer support. We won’t give up until everyone experiencing a mental health difficulty gets the support they need and deserve.

Come and see us at our stand:

Venue: Doncaster Gallery and Museum (DGLAM), Sir Nigel Gresley Square

Date: Tuesday 10th September

Time: 10am - 2pm. 

Come along and meet members from the Doncaster Mind and Changing Lives teams. We're working together in partnership to offer more support to those in the Doncaster area. 

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18th September 2024, 10:30 at Auckley

Pop Up Walking Group

Pop Up Walking Group to answer your questions about what we do and how we can help. Read more

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