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Training and Workplace Support

Bitesize Mindfulness - 90 minutes workshop

Join us for a 60 or 90 minutes session to become more present, centred and grounded. 

Mindfulness is the Art of Paying Attentions to what is that has been known and practiced for centuries. It was reintroduced to Western Culture as an antidote to stress, burnout and a tool to enhance feelings of wellbeing.  

During the session we will explore the following:

  • What mindfulness is
  • Benefits of mindfulness practice
  • Active and passive mindfulness 
  • Integrating mindfulness to your day - mindful eating/drinking

Investment: 60 minutes session - £150.00 or 90 minutes session - £225.00

We recommend group sizes up to 15 participants to maximise the experience for participants.

bitesize-mindfulness-at-Doncaster Mind poster

If you are interested in this session, please contact us using the form below.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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