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Training and Workplace Support

Mental Health Awareness 

This introductory session gives participants the understanding of what mental health is, explores stigma around mental health and empowers attendees in knowledge and understanding of how they can look after their mental health. 

Statistics point at the fact that 1 in 4 people will experience mental health challenges in their lifetime.  

Embark on the journey with our facilitator to explore ways in which you can look after your mental health. 

Benefits of attending our 60 minutes Mental Health Awareness Introduction session:

  • understanding what mental health is

  • exploring what influences our mental health 

  • stigma around mental health 

  • exploring practical strategies to care for your mental health

  • action plan... taking your new knowledge and turning it into action in your everyday life

  • learning and practising relaxation techniques

Investment in our workplace awareness sessions start from £150.00 per 60 minutes session.

We can customise  and extend the session to suit the unique needs of your organisation.  We recommend to limit the number of participant to 15 per session to maximise the engagement and learning experience.

For further information please contact us using the form below or email

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