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Our Services


At Doncaster Mind we regard confidentiality as vital. The discussions between therapist and client remain confidential. We appreciate that you are trusting Doncaster Mind to support your child and it’s natural for you to feel anxious about what is being said during therapy sessions. However, maintaining confidentially is crucial for establishing trust and enables children and young people to open up and share feelings without judgment, fear of blame or reprisals. 

That said, there are occasions when some information needs to be shared within the organisation.  Information is only shared with those that need to know and is kept to a minimum. The therapist needs to involve other people when:  

  • the young person requests, and feels that it is in their best interests, that certain information is passed on 
  • we believe there is a danger that your child may cause harm to themselves or others, or when they are at risk of harm from someone else
  • our therapists attend regular supervision as part of their practice. Supervision is part of a therapist’s ethical requirements to ensure they are working in a safe and effect manner. 

Record keeping and notes 

Our therapists make brief notes following each session.  These notes include the main points arising from the therapy session and a record of attendance. These and your child’s personal details, and the information collected at initial assessment are kept on our computer system. Session notes are retained by Doncaster Mind for 7 years. We are required by law to make records available in rare circumstances if they are subpoenaed by a court in the case of legal action. 

Our computer system is fully protected and encrypted, and only our clinical staff and our system administrator have access to any sensitive data.  In line with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) you can withdraw your consent for us to hold personal data at any time. If you do withdraw your permission for us to hold personal information this will affect our ability to work with your child. Doncaster Mind is registered as a controller of sensitive data under the Data Protection Act (Reg. No. Z1751223) and complies with their recommendations for storing sensitive data. Further, Doncaster Mind has a policy that sets out how information is recorded and stored. You can have a copy of this policy if you apply to our Therapy Co-ordinator ( 

Respect and safety 

We ask all clients to treat our staff with respect. We will not tolerate any abusive behaviour towards our staff. Our staff will treat you with the same respect. Please do not enter the building under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If we believe you to be intoxicated, we will ask you to leave the building. 

Therapy sessions 

Therapy usually takes place once a week at an agreed time, each session lasting between 50 – 60 minutes.  If your child or young person arrives late, and the therapist is still available the session will still take place but the time will be shorter because it will end at the normal time. We offer therapy in blocks of 4 sessions, with a review after each block. This is to ensure that we can recommend continuing therapy if this is the case. The length of time your child or young person needs in therapy will depend on what their therapist is supporting them with, and whether your child finds the sessions helpful.

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