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Posted: 31st January 2022

Time To Talk

It's Time to Talk Day and we need to start the conversation about mental health. 

At Mind, we've always been a huge cheerleader for Time to Talk Day, which was launched nine years ago by Time to Change – the campaign to end mental health stigma and discrimination. 

This year we’re playing a leading role in Time to Talk Day 2022. Alongside Rethink Mental Illness & in partnership with Co-op, we’re aiming to support communities in Doncaster to have more mental health conversations than ever before. 

We know that talking and listening about mental health has the power to change lives. Each conversation we have contributes to reducing mental health stigma, helping to create supportive communities where we can talk openly about mental health and feel empowered to seek help when we need it.

What does Mental Health mean to you? Coffee and Cake

For most people conversations about mental health only start when you're struggling, but we're keen to encourage people to have these conversations when you're feeling well - when you have good mental health. 

By having these conversations all the time, the stigma is reduced. It's normal to talk about feeling happy, or needing some quiet time to maintain your mental health. It's useful to know what things you need to keep that balance. 

How can you start?

Over the week leading up to Time to Talk Day, we'll be talking about how it feels good to talk about your mental health, wellbeing and the things you need in order to stay well within the groups that we run. 

You can do the same. Moments-Unsplash (48)

Here are some quick starters:

  • Team Meeting - Get everyone to tell you something they found challenging that week and something they found rewarding. Be brave and go first. 
  • Seeing a friend? Ask them how they are. And then ask them how they really are. Be prepared to listen. 
  • If you're worried about your own mental health, you can speak to your GP or ask a trusted friend if they have time for a chat. 

bespoke training  profile pic

If you're already doing that and want to make a bigger change you can join our Mental Health Champions Club. 

We had our first meeting last week, and our next one is due in April. If you'd like to know more you can read all about it here:  

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