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Posted: 18th November 2024

RISE Therapy at DM - children therapy 11+

Is your child struggling with social anxiety?

Are they having a hard time at school?

Has their behavior or mood changed, but they don’t want to talk about it? 


If you're noticing these signs, RISE Therapy at Doncaster Mind can help. We offer professional, compassionate support for children and young people aged 11 and up, helping them navigate their emotions, build resilience, and regain confidence in a safe, non-judgmental environment. 

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Why Choose RISE Therapy for your child? 

  • Expert Support: Our experienced therapists specialize in working with young people, ensuring your child feels heard and understood. 
  • Personalized Approach: Every child is unique so we tailor our sessions to their needs. 
  • Positive Environment: We create a safe space where children can explore their feelings, work through challenges, and develop coping strategies. 

Flexible & Accessible 

We offer One-to-One Therapy for Children and Young People at £45 per session, with free assessments to help you decide if therapy is the right step for your child. 

At Doncaster Mind, we believe that with the right support, every child can overcome difficulties and thrive.RISE Therapy promo tiles (3)

Let us help your child find their way to well-being and confidence. 


By choosing RISE Therapy at Doncaster Mind, your child will not only be accessing high-quality therapy, but you're also giving back to your community and helping others on their mental health journey. We reinvest funds from RISE Therapy sessions to provide fully funded therapy for individuals who need access to mental health support but cannot pay for private provision.  

To refer, please click the referral button below, complete the form and we will be in contact soon: 

referral form button for the web page  (2)

Alternatively, give us a call to the office on: 01302 812190. We look forward to hearing from you! 

RISE Therapy promo tiles (4)



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