12th March 2025, 11:00 - 1:00
Posted: 6th October 2021
Day 6 - #Goodtotalk - Saturday - With you in Mind!
Welcome to Day 6 of the “With You in Mind” Campaign to celebrate World Mental Health Day!
Today is #Goodtotalk and we will be focussing on counselling and the reasons to engage in this therapy.
Counselling offers a regular space to talk about the issues that you have in your life. Counselling can help people with a number of issues. The sessions can be helpful for people who may or may not have a mental health diagnosis, so you do not have to have a specific condition to access counselling. Some examples of issues, things that people bring to counselling include depression, anxiety, relationships, abuse, bereavement and loss.
A counsellor will not judge you or tell you what to do but will listen and help support you to make sense of the events and experiences in your life and identify any changes you may like to make. You and a counsellor can work together to develop coping techniques and strategies to help you overcome the difficulties you are facing.
To find out more about counselling and the reasons why to access counselling please see the information below on why it is good to talk!
We have also included an information below on Talking to Others about their mental health, this also gives a follow on from yesterday topic.
If you or someone you know are considering counselling it may be worth looking at the available services in Doncaster, this could be by:
Visiting your GP
Contact Talking Shop – 01302 565650 or visit https://iapt.rdash.nhs.uk/
Doncaster Mind’s Counselling Service – 01302 812190 email: office@doncastermind.org.uk or visit our website – www.doncastermind.org.uk
Open Minds - email: openminds@counsellingdoncaster.com Tel: 01302 344192 or visit the website https://www.counsellingdoncaster.com/
We have also uploaded a video from Vanessa a counsellor with Doncaster Mind and she is explaining the importance of counselling.
When counselling may not be appropriate
Counselling is a uniquely personal and voluntary process which, at times, may feel uncomfortable or difficult.
If you are in crisis or feel you need immediate support, then counselling is most likely not right for you at this moment in time. Please see our guidance on who you might want to contact. – https://www.doncastermind.org.uk/how-we-help/crisis-help/
However if you or someone you know are thinking of counselling but feel anxious or unsure, a member of the counselling team can talk this through with you to help you with your decision. You can contact us via email office@doncastermind.org.uk call us on 01302 812190 or contact us through our website https://www.doncastermind.org.uk/contact-us/