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Posted: 21st April 2021

Change and Stress


As more changes and freedoms are coming in, we're changing how we're living. 

Calendars are filling up, we're meeting up with more people, we're making plans, arrangements, appointments, social events - we're living!

For many people sitting in a sunny garden, sipping a prosecco, a gin or playing beer pong is a new freedom, a great time and a highlight after a dreary, long and lonely winter. 

In our rush to see our loved ones, party with friends we haven't seen for a longer than we care to remember we are filling up our diaries and leaving our lonely lockdown lives behind. 

Keeping the Good Stuff

In this rush to get back to normality, it's worth remembering all the bits of the last year that we have found useful - particularly when it comes to stress.

So let's have a look at at Top 3 list of things to take with us.

1. It's ok to say no. 

It's ok to say no to meeting up, going out, doing activities, adding extra chores to your list.... tbh anything you don't have the energy to do. Saying no is your way of prioritising what you are spending your energy on. Having free time is a great antidote to stress. It gives you balance from the Busy-ness epidemic that we're so used to. 

How you say no is up to you! 

2. Choosing how to spend your time. 

Celeste Headlee says, "Free Time doesn't need to be filled." Stress can be reduced by finding balance. We spend time - like a currency. It has value. Quite often people feel that they have to fill that time to give it the optimum value. To reduce stress it's important to remember that there is value in being still, reflecting and having time where you have no pressures on you.Moments-Unsplash (17)

3. Shifting your focus

For ages your focus has been on the small and immediate activities as there has been no real ability to make plans and have appointments etc that you have to do. Now as you plan to do more and fit more things in, it feels like a great time to get used to planning in time for you. Whether that's doing volunteering, going for a run or a walk, making time for your new hobby or booking in a treat for yourself. Appointments don't have to be all about visiting Dentists and going to work. 

If you'd like to #learnmoreaboutyou you can sign up for our mentoring project or refer yourself for some of the guided learning sessions. Refer yourself here

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