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Are you looking for a challenging and exciting new job role or a career change?  Take a look through the Doncaster Mind job vacancies and see if there's something for you.  Working for Doncaster Mind is rewarding, as every day you are working to improve the mental health of the people in the local area through our large range of supportive services.  If you'd like to help make a difference to the mental health of your local community, choose a charity job from the selection below and apply today.


Please note that we ask all new team members to spend their first 6 months based with us in our office. After that remote working can be negotiated according to role, service and organisation needs.


South & Floating Locality Mental Health Community Connectors x 2 posts

42.5 hours over two posts

Mental Health Community Connectors will work with people through the low intensity pathway on a 1:1 basis within the communities to help them to join activities and groups, access services, like supported self-help, wellbeing courses, wellbeing activities, and mentoring, both internally and externally whilst helping to build their social connections. Read more


High Intensity Use (HIU) Community coach

18.75 hours per week
£25,215.00 FTE pro rata

We are looking to recruit a suitable candidate interested in working with a wide range of clients including support with housing, both physical and/or mental health needs, debt, drug and alcohol misuse or experiencing poverty, they may also be isolated, and at times in crisis and who may be attending Doncaster A&E on a frequent basis. Read more


Family Therapists/Counsellors (Sessional)

Minimum of 3 hours per week
£30 per hour

We are looking for family therapists to join our team to deliver sessions to families aged 11 years and over who live in Doncaster. As one of our sessional family therapists, you will be qualified, self-employed, experienced, reliable and passionate about families with their mental health. You will have the relevant qualifications, be a member of either BACP, NCPS, UKCP or equivalent and have experience of working therapeutically with families. Read more

Moments-Unsplash (49)


2hrs - Bi Monthly
Voluntary Position

We are looking for enthusiastic and skilled people to join our Board of Trustees and play a significant role in taking Doncaster Mind forward. Read more