12th March 2025, 11:00 - 1:00
Make a donation
We rely on the generosity of individuals, groups and companies to continue our vital work. We could not do what we do, without you.
To donate online:
http://www.justgiving.com/DoncasterMind or send an email to office@doncastermind.org.uk and we will send you a secured link to pay by card.
To donate via cheque:
Cheques should be made payable to ‘Doncaster Mind' and sent to:
The Fundraising Team, Doncaster Mind, Exchange Buildings, Second Floor, 35 Market Place, Doncaster, DN1 1NE
(Please do remember to include your name and address with your cheque, so that we may acknowledge safe receipt of your donation.)
To donate via cash:
We can either arrange to pick up a cash donation from you, or you can arrange to drop cash off with a member of our team. Please telephone us on 01302 812190 in advance of visiting us, to arrange a suitable time to drop off your donation. We will need to ensure a member of staff is available to receive your donation safely.